Healthier Veggie Pizza
/Raising four kids means that time is very precious. Between work and all the activities the children have going on, there are definitely nights where I do not feel like cooking. It's just easier to order out. Yes, fast food happens in this house, just not too often. A popular quick dinner - pizza.

Even though ordering out is convenient and quick, it can get pricey and comes with a heavy amount of guilt. Therefore, I have tried to tackle two obstacles with one meal: quick dinner AND let the boys actually do the cooking! Winning, for me!
Below is a quick and easy recipe for a healthier veggie pizza. Keep in mind it would be better to make your dough and hummus from scratch, but the main point for this meal is ease for me and less guilt for us all. 👍
1 can of Pillsbury crescent dough *
1 container of your favorite hummus (we used original)
1/3 cup of 3-5 of your favorite vegetables diced small (we used cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, red pepper and celery. We had enough left over to make a veggie garlic pasta the next night. Another quick meal)* *
1. Open the can of Pillsbury crescent Doug and spread it out on a cookie sheet. Make sure to lightly spray the cookie sheet to prevent sticking. Use your fingers to pinch the dough together where it naturally separates to create a one flat rectangular piece
2. Bake according to package directions
3. Once cool, spread hummus across the baked dough, leaving a slight edge for the crust
4. Sprinkle your vegetables over the top. I personally like to create rows of each type of vegetable. My boys like to combine it all. Either way is good.
5. Enjoy!
* one can can make approximately 6 pizza squares. You can use as many cans to create the size pizza you need.
** dicing is great for little ones to eat, but go ahead and slice, julienne, whatever you like.