Tofu Tuesday: 2 in 1
/A nice bowl of spaghetti with creamy marinara sauce and fresh strawberries. The older boys got a sprinkle of cheese on top. Yum!
Ok so I had to take a little time off from #tofutuesday. Life happens and between ending my program year at work, the boys having lots of school events and increasing Asher's therapy to three days a week, I was tired. But I'm back at it. Once again, my disclaimer is I am no expert and I am sure some of these recipes will be a fail because half the time I have no idea what I am doing. 😂. So today's #tofutuesday is actually two recipes, one of which is from last week.
3 - 4 c Marinara Sauce (your own homemade one or store bought. I won't judge. Here's a link to one I like)
3 - 4 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
Firm Tofu
1 tsp Garlic
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 c Vegan cheese
In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together and blend with a hand mixer (what I did). If you do it with a hand mixer, I suggest breaking the tofu into chunks to make it easier. Or you can put it all into a blender and blend away.
It turned out really good and creamy. Things that we noticed:
* if you want really creamy pasta, you actually have to add more of sauce on top. It looks creamy, but this sauce is thicker than it looks.
* it makes a lot of sauce, even for this family of 6. We had leftovers for a couple days.
* good pasta makes a huge difference. We have Asher a gluten free and began Orzo option and it was a no go. So the search for a pasta that he can eat continues. Once I find one, I will try this sauce again.
The second recipe is actually a variation for tofu scramble. Asher has sort of become disinterested in tofu scramble. Heck, I would to if the taste was always the same. So one day, while in target I saw a vegan cookbook. As I thumbed through it I saw lots of interesting recipes, but nothing Asher could eat as of now or it had other ingredients he has allergies to and I am a rookie at substitutions. So I snapped a picture of the tofu scramble recipe. 😬. If the recipe had been a success, I would have went back to buy it, but it was a FAIL! I don't even have pictures of it because he hated it. The recipe is below -
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp tumeric
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp gluten free soy sauce
2 tsp olive oil
1 pkg firm tofu
In a separate bowl combine nutritional yeast, turmeric, water and soy sauce. Stir until smooth. Set aside.
Drain tofu
Heat olive oil in pan and add tofu, crumble as you put it in the pan. Add 3 tbsp of the sauce to the tofu, mix and heat for 5 - 7 mins. Taste test and add more sauce if you want. And voila! It's done.
I am not sure what exactly he didn't like, I can only assume the turmeric. I have used it with the tofu before and he didn't seem to like the taste then either. Will I try this recipe again? I don't think so, but if anyone has suggestions how to improve it or delicious tofu scramble variations, I am all ears.