Runner tip #2 for Parents - #runningparktour
/Every training plan call for a long run, typically on Saturday or Sunday. So what is a family to do when there is no sitter and long training runs need to happen? We utilize something called #runningparktour. We have mapped out several parks in our city, all with varying distances from our home and from each other. At first we had park locations and distances memorized for #runnerswitch. However we found the information useful when we came up with the idea to take ALL the children, yes all four children ages 2 - 12 with us on our long runs.
On our most recent family run, we ended up going to 5 parks plus having lunch. Here we are at park one. Everyone happy and the weather was overcast but felt great!
The idea is fairly simple and fun! Not only will miles get logged, but great family time will also occur. Simply locate 3-5 spots, more specifically parks, in your neighborhood. I will say they do not have to be parks, but making the pit stops fun for everyone should be key. We mostly use parks as our rest stops, but sometimes the day calls for a smoothie stop and/or lunch stop. Those can be fun and very necessary too! Depending on the ages of your children and the experience they have with running I would keep parks/locations 2-4 miles between each other. Once you have your parks/pit stops laid out you can embark on your adventure! You run from park to park, taking "rest" breaks at each one. When we do it we either stop for 15 mins to 30 mins. It really depends on the size of the park, the energy level of the children and time of day.
The boys playing together. Getting some "down time" before heading out to run again.
Their idea of "rest" is definitely not ours. We were sitting on the swings. Lol
Asher even gets his "rest" time out of the stroller. Everyone gets to stretch. Him included!
Ok yes, speed is not part of this plan, but miles certainly are, fun miles. It is a way to build up your childrens miles AND self esteem while getting in longer distances. My boys are always really proud of themselves when they have run 10+ miles in a day. And rightly so!
Also keep in mind how to "pack" for this type of family run. Generally this is what we pack to go on our #runningparktour runs, which we store underneath one or both of the running strollers:
* waters
* minimum two snacks packed in sandwich bags
* chapstick
* wallet and cell phones
* diapers and wipes (obviously. Lol)
I hope you give this a try. #parktour run with your family, see all the parks and even small businesses your town/city has to offer. Make it an adventure, a treasure hunt even. A hunt for your favorite park or an I Spy running game to look for certain things your neighborhood might have. Tag @fitfam6 and #runningparktour. We look forward to seeing your #runningparktour!
Still smiling. Soon after this picture was taken, raindrops started to fall. The boys first time running in the rain with 4.5 miles left to get home!