/We are one week away from our little #Active4Asher fun run/walk! Our hope for this small, informal event is to simply participate in the Rare Chromosome Disorder Awareness Week (June 7-13) for our youngest FitFam6 member, Asher Micah. Our fourth son was diagnosed with Chromosome 13q Deletion less than a year ago and from that point we have been constantly trying to learn all we can about his challenges and how we can support him. We believe one of the first ways we can support Asher is to spread awareness and education about Rare Chromosome Disorders, such as 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with a Chromosome Disorder. Not all who are diagnosed have physical characteristics, that is the case with Asher. To everyone, he looks like a "typical" child, however, daily Asher is working hard to learn the basic skills that come relatively easy for most babies and children. He is in therapy now three times a week and making strides. We are extremely proud of all that he is able to do and his willingness to learn new things. Yet, we know his growth both physically and developmentally will not be full of challenges, perhaps there will be things that he will not be able to learn and that is okay. As a family unit we are learning about all this and incorporating it into our family routine.
On June 13th, our run/walk is dedicated to Asher. We hope to share with anyone a little information. We know sometimes there have been questions as to why he is 2 years old (on the 18th Eeeek! Time has gone by so fast!) and cannot crawl, stand, feed himself, talk even. In a week, for those who are able to join our family, we will have answers. If you are not able to physically be there to walk/run for Asher, we hope you take a little run or walk on that day and post a picture using #Active4Asher. For those near and far who do join our little awareness event and use the hashtag, we will have small giveaway. Some of the items are pictured below, but there will be more. A little something for everyone. All items are products that my family love, use and wish to share with those who are sharing their time with us. We will look at all posts from the 13th - 14th and announce a winner on Asher's 2nd birthday on the 18th. Thank you all for your love, support and kind words. It does not go unnoticed by our family of 6.
Items from top to bottom, L-R: RunFarGear, ReSqueeze Pouches, Zensah Hat, Zensah Headband, Yankzi laces, Puravida Bracelets, GoGoSqueez, PickyBars, GU Fuel
INFORMATION FOR June 13th #Active4Asher
Location: William B Pond Recreation Area (see map below)
Time: 9am - 11am
Distance: Any amount you are comfortable with. Just have fun!
Parking Information: There is free street parking outside the park, in the neighborhood. It will be a little walk to the Trail, but not too far. If you chose to park inside the park, the cost is $5.
American River Parkway Safety: The parkway is a well used pathway for many people who walk, run and bike. There will be "crowds", please keep that in mind that day. Please be aware of the bikes and runners.
Directions: From Elk Grove, take CA 99 North. Exit US 50 East towards Lake Tahoe. Exit Watt Ave, turn left on Watt. Right on Fair Oaks Blvd. Right on Arden Way.