Capping Off #SD2LV
/Let's see....where did we leave off? Oh, we were on a plane from San Diego to Las Vegas for Race #2 of 2 for the day. If you want the full story, open up a new tab and read the first race recap HERE. I'll wait.
Ok. After a quick flight we took a ride to our hotels to get ready for the half. @Carleemcdot and i hung out, ate a quick snack and met @Pavementrunner and the wife to head towards the Pre-Race area. Quick tip: head towards the pre-race area early. There are bag check lines before entering and it gets crazy congested so if you're picking up bibs, t-shirts, checking bags etc. you'll need plenty of time. Here we picked up our bibs (thank goodness for race day pickup). Without it, the #SD2LV or any other #XX2LV would be near impossible.
We met up with more friends and took many pictures. We exited the pre race area listening to Kid Rock up on stage as the Headliner for the race concert. Vegas does it up real big with entertainment at this race. I like to consider it the Super Bowl of Rock 'n' Roll races.
We had time to spare before the official start time of 4:30pm and of course, took that opportunity to take more pictures and talk about race plans. Well, the race plan was unanimous - have a fun, relaxed race! Our corral was released and we immediately got off to a rockin' start. The Meb corral passed us early and we cheered that big group on loudly.
I see #thegibblers
Early on, one of our peeps @wonderfullykara had a small respiratory issue and had to slow down a bit and walk earlier than expected. Good friend @ivieanne and I decided to stay with her until she got some wind back. She quickly recovered (with a smile and positive attitude) and was back in business in no time. She ended up PR'ing this freaking race! I decided that I was feeling pretty good and went ahead to catch up to the rest of the @werunsocial crew.
The wind was howling, the air was cold and the rain was steady at times but we stuck with it and made it a party. We ran with glow sticks that the volunteers (Thank You, volunteers!) had at the water stops. We walked through the water stops, took some pictures along the way and continued to follow the race plan. We crossed the finish line with a selfie and made the looooong trek through the finishers chute. It was a great race to end the long day and all we wanted to do was get warm and begin recovering.
BRF's and THE #SD2LV crew. Love.
This was my second year in a row doing this 2 races in 2 States in 1 day thing and I'm easily hooked. We are already planning what we're going to do for next year! If you've ever wondered what it's like, there's a good group of people who you can call on for advice!
bonus: Werunsocial meetup slideshow