RnRDC recap....(insert sad emoji here)
/What can I say about #RnRDC? Hmmm let me start at the beginning and be warned I will probably go off on random tangents but this recap will not be that long.
All ready to go. Tired, exhausted really from getting hardly any sleep but so happy to finally be on my way to DC!!!
The beginning...last year I had decided that DC was a bucket list race for me. Something about running through the Nation's Capitol was exciting. I registered as soon as I could, so essentially a year ago. It was all planned. As the year went on I thought "Hey won't it be good to make it a girls weekend!?!?! My two sisters could run too". Ok without going into details, that proved to be a horrible horrible idea. Horrible. Logistically it was a nightmare coordinating it all and costly. My older sister and I are still fighting as I write this.
Besides registering for the race which went smoothly, everything else about DC proved to be a nightmare, as if the universe was telling me to NOT go. I was fortunate enough to get a "buddy pass" (there is more to the story here that I will not go into) from Southwest Airlines. And you read that right, Southwest, but if you saw my IG post I actually flew American Airlines. Why? Because that buddy pass was lost. Couldn't find it. No go. Oh and a way out of the blue side note, I was already emotionally spent since Asher had his first transition meeting for his IEP that morning. Although it went well, everyone was nice, I could tell getting him all the services he needs from the district was going to be a long process. Especially when I am not fully trusting what some of his current therapists are telling me. Ok back to the story, the ticket was lost. It was hours before I was suppose to leave on the original flight. What's a girl to do? Search high and low (and tons of others helping me. Thanks to my younger sis, BIL, friends, mom and Dave) for an affordable ticket out on Friday. Alas, one was found on American Airlines for a really really good price. One lay over. Got into DC before midnight. The original buddy pass had me going into Dulles airport. I thought, "things are looking up"!
Well, no. Got to Sacramento airport and the flight was delayed. Missed my connecting flight and the only available flight was going to Baltimore by 2am! Then that flight ended up being delayed by 2 hours!!!! I didn't know what to do, hence the apple eating pity party of one, tears included on the Phoenix airport floor. Yes, it was a pitiful site. Thanks again to my younger sister and BIL, I decided to call it a day. DC would not be happening for me. Not this year. Essentially I got my first DNS (Did Not Start) for a race and even typing it makes me weepy.
Waiting at customer service. Over half the plane had connecting flights. Most DID NOT make those connecting flights.
I was looking forward to DC for a year. I was so extremely excited but it just wasn't happening. Thank you to all who tried to help, who offered encouraging words, who hoped and wished it would happen. It didn't. Unfortunately DC was and will most likely be my only rock n roll race this year. All I can do is tell myself, "it's only a race that will always be there", but I will say sometimes only so many things can go wrong before you just feel beyond defeated. The day was full of emotional highs and lows: IEP transition meeting, lost ticket, fight with my older sister and her husband, frantically searching for a new ticket, the list goes on. I felt defeated on all fronts - emotionally, financially, physically. And that's ok, even if it was about a silly race. I just need to remember that tomorrow is a new day and there is always next year.
I did see someone famous, Ben Stein at the Phoenix airport. The bad pic is because I'm trying to be sly and take a picture without looking like I'm taking a picture. 😂