Go Plae!
/Beautiful day in the city. Couldn't have asked for anything better
Last month (I know, it took forever for me to share this family experience!) we were fortunate enough for one, great weather and two to be able to spend half he day in Fort Mason at Plae's Spring/Summer shoe launch. It was a blast, seriously. The event was very family friendly without being obnoxiously child event cliche. The Plae team so skillfully utilized every logical space in the building and outside to get kids and parents alike moving.
They had contracted with Acro Sports of SF to set up a parkour course around the building. From jumping to tumbling to balancing you name it they had it. I kept telling Dave "omg this would make the best 5th birthday party for Asher!!" Just so you know he turns 5 next year, so Acro Sports, do you come to Sacramento to to do events?!?! 😜.
He was in texture heaven!
In general, my children are a bit shy at first. They hesitate to jump right in to any gathering (they get that from me, Dave is a social butterfly in my opinion), but after about 15 minutes I think we lost Elias as he was running around doing all the stations, gabe was sent to keep an eye on him, Jacob LOVED the fuzzy room with the sweet treats and inflated balls and Asher well he was squealing, laughing and grabbing strangers as he ran FROM us. Haha! He enjoyed every bit of it.
Hey Mr DJ!
The team really thought of everything from sweet treats perfectly portioned, to fizzy drinks (not soda 🙌🏽🙌🏽), different activities that utilized many skills, an awesome dj spinning old school beats that had me singing. I mean who can't sing and dance to Janet Jackson?!?! Oh and they had a fabulous parkour performance from some of the children associated with Acro Sports .
Check out some of the snapshots we took. It was seriously a blast and would love to experience this again. We love local, we love stylish and we absolutely love a family friendly business!
Photo booth op! Best part? Kid volunteers took the pics. ❤
We need a couple of these at home. So fun!
Asher loved it all!
Typically Elias won't do anything his big brothers won't do. Kudos to GoPlae for hosting an event he enjoyed getting involved even if his brothers were timid.
Talk about overstimulation, but in an "I'm so excited this is cool" way
Jacob trying to do a pull up...kinda. Lol. He wishes goplae shoes came in his size. Heck, us parents do too!
His fave thing: the DJ. Playing music and Asher was all about it.
The day was perfect and we cannot share how much we love this shoe company enough. We weren't compensated for attending or even sharing this event. We just truly love this company. As parents of active boys and as parents of a child with special needs, their shoes check tons of boxes for us. They stand up to lots of play, but they also allow Asher to wear cool shoes that work with his needs and equipment! Thanks GoPlae for a great family friendly and fun event. And thank you for making stylish, durable shoes for my active boys and for Asher to wear with his braces. ❤