#Active4Asher2016 Event Recap
/Another year has gone by and we had our second #Active4Asher event. Admittedly last year, the event was "larger", but we knew ahead of time this year it would be a challenge to have things as they were last year. Mostly because the chosen day (June 13th) landed on a Monday, not a weekend. Despite this, we are grateful to everyone who supported our little guy in person or virtually.
As a quick note, this event is not our attempt to fund-raise. Perhaps in the future it would be an option, but our real goal, or desire is to first raise awareness about Rare Chromosome Disorders (RCD) and Global Rare Chromosome Disorder Awareness Week (RCDAW). RCD affect more individuals, more families than you know and it is an isolating and lonely world. Because there are so many chromosome disorders, there really isn't a lot of studies on those that aren't as prevalent such as Chromosome 13q deletion. As last heard, only 250 cases were reported of Asher's specific deletion.
Our second goal, and one beyond important for us personally, is to spread acceptance. So often it can be easy to judge those who are different and boy is it easy when someone sees a child acting abnormally BUT looks "normal". I have encountered many instances of rude comments by adults when Asher is having a moment. I will be honest, and digress slightly, there have been times when I chose to NOT go to the store because I am anxious about bringing him out and being judged. Or there have been times where social "meet ups" have been planned or friends ask us all to go out to eat and I tell Dave I can't go. The feeling of "what if Asher does...", "what will people say if..." goes through my head. Who should feel that way? No one! Therefore A4A was partly birthed from those fears or anxieties simply because we want to teach our boys and help spread the word that someone's outside appearance means very little. How someone looks does not tell others who they are, their likes and dislikes, their joy and their challenges. It is an effort to promote accepting others for WHO they are not by what they look like. With the world today, doesn't it seem valuable to teach and promote acceptance, getting to know a person and not to judge? We think so. 💙.
Below are just a few snap shots from our little run and we were able to share a few from social media. If you want to read about last years #active4asher recap, you can do so here.
For everyone, every single person who got out and was active for our little guy, thank you is not enough. For everyone who shared his story or even took the time to look up RCD, so much appreciation is sent your way. For everyone who took a moment to think about how to truly be accepting of others, all the LOVE. And to all those who generously surprised us by offering to donate an item for our event, thank you so so much (@littlebeastling, @kookyrunner, @runningwithsd, @pavementrunner, @stephjspeer, @alwyzsleepn) We are beyond grateful and humbled by each of you and your support!
From l-r, top to bottom: @jj_murdoch, @mylifepace, @cassieandnick, @runnerchick29, @rachelanne_n, @kaellaontherun, @clurrburrsturr, @sloluckyruns, @runningwithsd
From l-r, top to bottom: @5t3ph517, @star_wars_runnah, @drcarriec, @kookyrunner, @mcrunnerchris, @iamacouch, @ganeeban, @fit.mama.sonia, @mrssoukup
Our little running group on Monday night. Thank you to @runningforcarbs, @fueledbyfrosting, @oif_vet, @regular_doc, @cassieandnick and @5t3ph517 for coming out to support. 📷: @fueledbyfrosting
Asher hamming it up! 📷:@fueledbyfrosting
Asher, for the first time, moved his own walker! Happened on Monday, June 13th and we like to think it's because of everyone getting Active4Asher
*Winners of the giveaway:
Spandit Skirt donated by @runningwithSD - @iamacouch
Werunsocial Hoodie donated by @werunsocial/@pavementrunner - @mcrunnerchris
Sarah Marie Designs/Qalo/Hydroflask/Starbucks/RoadID hosted by us with extras from @littlebeastling, @kookyrunner and @stephjspeer - @runfortoday