I ❤️ RnRSF
/Dear Rock n Roll San Francisco,
Oh how I enjoyed every hilly, scenic mile. Running through the streets of the city, across the Golden Gate Bridge, through Chrissy Field feeling the Pacific Ocean breeze was just as invigorating as it was challenging. Each mile I passed, the more love I felt for running; just what I needed as of late.
You see rnrsf, I must be honest. Running had become a chore for me. 2015 was turning out to be the year where I was questioning my love for the sport, if I wanted to continue being a runner or just move on and find a new passion. Yet, you were all I needed to turn that corner and reignite my need to pound that pavement!
I could easily recap all those miles I ran and tell you how I felt each step. Post tons and tons of snapshots of the glorious view. Document my race day mindset. Tell you WHY I think the race helped me to overcome my slump. But no, I don't need to spend paragraphs on such descriptions.
I will tell you that I woke up that Sunday morning surprisingly calm, eager to get to the start line, warm up and just finish. I knew there were going to be hills, hills I was certainly not adequately trained for. I was eagerly looking forward to the epic views. And I was absolutely sure that I would finish this race a different runner. That is surely what happened.
I don't know if it was the course, the scenery, my determination to make it up Lincoln Hill or my husband and four kids waiting for me at the finish line. Perhaps it was all of those things or none of those things but RnRSF I write this letter to you to tell you I simply love you RnRSF and San Francisco! I started the race with a smile and ended with a smile.
I ❤️ RnRSF! I ❤️ SF!
- Paula
Love these 5 boys right here! Cheering me on as I crossed the finish line.
Finisher! I pushed my fears of San Francisco hills aside and conquered each one...with a smile
The "bling". Well earned, representing more than just finishing 13.1, but represents determination, perseverance and a new passion for running.