Race 2 of the #Fontana2SD Adventure: Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Half Marathon
/It's been a week since our epic weekend ended and I'm still coming down from the high that was the #Fontana2SD event. I am just now writing my recap for the second of 2 races and if you want to catch up with the first race, head on over HERE. It was a blast and I'll pick up where that day ended.
We left Fontana but unfortunately didn't leave early enough to elude the major fire which shut down freeways and caused MAJOR traffic delays. We made it through to San Diego and to the Expo at around 3pm which was about 2 hours later than we anticipated. We picked up our bibs, which was an easy process as always, picked up shirts and headed into the Brooks merch area to peruse the awesome goods.
We let the boys explore, participate in Runhappy Island fun, and spin all kinds of wheels for prizes. I was also there to do a bit of filming for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series and their new partnership with Eagle Creek. Remember this little video? Well, it was chosen as a winner of a RocknBlog contest and I don't want to spill too many beans but I'll be featured in a quick clip with Rock 'n' Roll in the future. Fun Times!
Run Rock 'n' Roll Expos are full of fun things to do.
While I was out playing with awesome Eagle Creek gear, the rest of the family checked into the hotel and waited a while. We had a quick dinner and then hit the sack as the day was long with the fire, traffic and expo fun.
Bib pickup with barefoot Elvis. Priceless.
I had a mile and a half walk to the start line and I wanted to be there early for a bit more filming and of course to meet the rest of the crew for pics and hi-fives. Our game plan before the weekend began was to formally "race" Fontana (I PR'd there by the way) and take it easy and have fun out on the San Diego course.
#Flatrunner ready to race.
I met up with the other "crazies" who were part of the #Fontana2SD crew and some new faces I follow on Social. That's the best part of race weekends like these! I ran the first few miles with Megan and Laurie and then broke off to run ahead a bit. I caught up with other #WeRunSocial friends and kept pace with them for the rest of the race.
Pre-race epic photo. So many friendly faces. These folks are all AWESOME runners!
Met up with old friends and new ones too.
It was a nice conversational pace which allowed us to goof around on the course. San Diego is a city which loves and supports its runners by coming out in full force to cheer. Although I missed the tequila shots earlier in the race, we still managed to snap pics at other "character" stops.
On course shenanigans!
Photo: carleemcdot.com
The course was new this year and finished near the waterfront which was where our hotel was located. Score! The family met me at the finish line, saw me cross and waited patiently as I filmed a bit more with the media crew.
Kaella makes a great Cat in the Hat!
Katie 'snapping' it up with the Rock God!
The waterfront park was a great place to finish filming and picking up gear check items. The boys listened to music, ran around a bit and we then headed back to the hotel to get cleaned up.
We initially thought we weren't going to make the after party hosted by WeRunSocial but we make it a little late. We still managed to grab a quick drink and mingle with other crew members to chat about the race, support and the weekend overall.
Officially the Unofficial #RnRSD After-Party
Doing our best @RunningwithSD and @Runnylegs "runch" pose.
I couldn't have asked for a better race to cap off an amazing weekend. Am I beat up? Sure, but it was worth a PR and excellent times with family and friends. Some might think we're crazy but if you're not enjoying what you're doing, then it might not be worth doing at all.